I've reached a point, or perhaps the point has reached me, when I cannot stomach any more political news. I think that's because Trump's speeches the other day at the National Prayer Breakfast, and later to his Republican colleagues at the White House, made clear to me that he was not only a terrible and dangerous prick of a person, but a true leader. I loathe his style and much else about him; but he truly leads his party and close to half of the country. Meanwhile the Democrats have no leader, aside from Bernie Sanders, who is only running as a Democrat. They don't even share a purpose other than getting rid of Trump. They don't stand for any one thing other than governing well, while most of the country doesn't believe any collection of politicians can do that... least of all the circular firing squad all the wannabe leaders now comprise. The last shooter standing will be a dead pol walking by the time she or he faces Trump alone.
Bloomberg is the exception. He is the anti-Trump, and at this point the only candidate who, IMHO, can beat Trump.
His job is to convince more than half the electorate, most importantly in the swing states, that he'll manage the country as well as he did his company and his city, and maybe that'll be enough. And maybe, if it starts looking like he (or any Dem) stands a chance, I'll pay attention again. Meanwhile I'll stand by what I wrote in the last post and sit out the news coverage as much as I can. And then lament the consequences for at least the next four years as well.