Elizabeth Renieris in BKC: Distracted by Data.
Jeff Abromowitz in Wired: How wi-fi almost didn't happen.
A Privacy Manifesto is in constant draft form in the ProjectVRM wki. Also in Medium. I'm looking at how Julie Cohen's work—Turning Privacy Inside Out and Law for the Platform Economy pertains.
The Conversation: Inequality in DNA.
Toby Philips in Aeon: We have the tools and technology to work less and live better
Roger McNamee in Time on Facebook.
This is going on right now at Berkman Klein Center + Harvard Law School, and I'm bummed to be missing it.
Charlie Warzel in the NYTimes: Pierre Delecto, QAnon and the Paradox of Anonymity—In 2019, it’s somehow both easier and harder than ever to be anonymous.
Chris Faraone in Boston Magazine: No News is Bad News.
@AdrianShahbaz of @Freedom House: Freedom on the Net 2019,The Crisis of Social Media—What was once a liberating technology has become a conduit for surveillance and electoral manipulation.
Rafi Letzter in Space: The Universe Might Be a Giant Loop.