Just rediscovered this interview from (I gather) around 2013. It's part of the Riptide series: "An oral history of the epic collision between journalism and digital technology, from 1980 to the present." As I recall, it was recorded in the Shorenstein Center at the Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. The prime mover behind it is Martin Nisenholtz (@martinn123), who started work on the project as a fellow at Shorenstein.
The interview is a literal transcription of a pair of videos that are also at that first link. Reading the transcript and watching the videos is a stark reminder that I speak fairly well (having what they call an "announcer's voice"), but not in final draft. Or even close. This means that the video interviews themselves are far more watchable, and listenable, than the transcripts are readable.
But that's a quibble. Riptide is a great series, and I highly recommend digging into it.
My interview is in Chapter 8, titled Birthing the Blogosphere, and it follows the opener with Dave Winer. The picture on the right is from my interview page.